Badges List
The following is a list of all badges available on this site:
Badge name | Badge description | awarded |
Autobiograf | Filled out all profile fields | 0 |
Fotogen | Uploaded an avatar image | 29x |
Gute Frage | Question received +2 upvote | 16x |
Gute Frage | Question received +5 upvote | 1x |
Großartige Frage | Question received +10 upvote | 0 |
Bemerkenswerte Frage | Asked question received 50 views | 104x |
Beliebte Frage | Asked question received 100 views | 104x |
Berühmte Frage | Asked question received 500 views | 41x |
Gute Antwort | Answer received +2 upvote | 64x |
Sehr gute Antwort | Answer received +5 upvote | 18x |
Großartige Antwort | Answer received +10 upvote | 0 |
Erneuerung | Received Gute Antwort badge in response to a question more than 30 days old | 0 |
Erweckung | Received Sehr gute Antwort badge in response to a question more than 60 days old | 0 |
Auferstehung | Received Großartige Antwort badge in response to a question more than 120 days old | 0 |
Talentiert | 1 answer selected as best answer | 3x |
Weise | 10 answers selected as best answer | 1x |
Aufklärend | 30 answers selected as best answer | 1x |
Dankbar | Selected 1 answer as best answer | 22x |
Respektvoll | Selected 20 answers as best answer | 0 |
Ehrfurchtsvoll | Selected 50 answers as best answer | 0 |
Liked | Received 20 total upvotes | 1x |
Geliebt | Received 50 total upvotes | 0 |
Verehrt | Received 200 total upvotes | 0 |
Neugierig | Asked 10 questions | 2x |
Fragt gerne | Asked 25 questions | 0 |
Inquisitor | Asked 50 questions | 0 |
Antwortet gerne | Posted 25 answers | 1x |
Dozent/in | Posted 50 answers | 1x |
Prediger/in | Posted 100 answers | 0 |
Kommentator/in | Posted 50 comments | 0 |
Kommentiert gerne | Posted 100 comments | 0 |
Profi am werk | Posted 500 comments | 0 |
Wähler/in | Voted 10 times | 9x |
Weiß was gut ist | Voted 50 times | 1x |
Ergebener Wähler/in | Voted 200 times | 0 |
Editor/in | Performed total of 1 edit | 17x |
Redakteur/in | Performed total of 15 edits | 1x |
Senior Redakteur/in | Performed total of 50 edits | 0 |
Wächter/in | flagged 1 post as inappropriate | 2x |
Räumt auf | flagged 10 posts as inappropriate | 0 |
Mag es sauber | flagged 30 posts as inappropriate | 0 |
Liest gerne | Read total of 20 questions | 3x |
Bücherwurm | Read total of 50 questions | 3x |
Engagierter Leser/in | Read total of 200 questions | 2x |
Treu | Visited every day for 10 consecutive days | 2x |
Ergeben | Visited every day for 25 consecutive days | 2x |
Eifrig | Visited every day for 50 consecutive days | 0 |
Besucher/in | Visited site on total of 30 days | 6x |
Gerne da | Visited site on total of 100 days | 2x |
Veteran | Visited site on total of 200 days | 0 |
Old-Timer | First visited more than 180 days ago | 5x |
Lange dabei | First visited more than 365 days ago | 0 |
1,000 Club | Received total of 1000 points | 2x |
10,000 Club | Received total of 10000 points | 1x |
Medaillengewinner/in | Received total of 10 badges | 2x |
Champion | Received total of 30 badges | 1x |
Olympisch | Received total of 100 badges | 0 |
63 total badges, 3252 awarded to the community.